Our Farm

Our Farm

A happy pig is a free pig – which is why our Sows run freely, outdoors in paddocks like sheep or beef cattle. Each paddock has its own supply of fresh clean water and somewhere for the sows to find shelter in poor weather.

All the pigs are fed on a grain based balanced diet that is ground up and then palletised into small nuts that the pig can eat. At no stage are any pigs fed on food waste.  The main ingredients in the diet are wheat, broll, meat meal, fishmeal, and other vitamins and minerals that are required to give the pig the ideal diet for its stage in life.

When a Sow is ready to give birth she will be transferred to a different paddock where there are a number of small huts.  Here she can choose which hut she wants to give birth in and once she has “claimed” a hut for herself she will raise her piglets in the same hut for her entire lactation period.

Once the piglets are old enough to be weaned they are separated from their mother and placed into our eco barns. These barns are large, open plan buildings with deep straw covered floors. Each day fresh straw is added to keep the bedding clean and dry for the pigs to sleep on. Over time the bedding straw builds up and must be removed once the pigs have been sold. This system of production provides a warm, dry and comfortable area for the pigs to live in and move around before they reach slaughter weight for market.